The passion flower is also known as passiflora, a passion vine. It is a genus of about 550 species of flowering plants, the type genus of the family Passifloraceae. This herbal supplement is used historically in treating anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. The supplement is composed of the flowers, leaves, and stems of the plant. Passion flower is available as infusions, teas, liquid extracts, and tinctures.
This flower is consumed by mouth for sleep problems adjustment disorders, pain, fibromyalgia, diarrhea, indigestion, and muscle cramps. As per research passion flower is applied to the skin for treating hemorrhoids, burns, and swelling. While in foods and beverages, passion flower extract is used as a flavoring.
Health Benefits Of Passion Flower
These herbal plant flowers have a few health benefits.
1. Reduce Anxiety
According to research, the passion flower supplement can be useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, and nervous disorders. The anxiolytic effects are known to be because of its impact on neurotransmitters including GABA and dopamine. The use of various herbal medicines in the treatment of psychiatric conditions that high-quality evidence was available supporting the use of passion flowers to relieve anxiety disorders.
2. Relieve Stomach Upset
It has been found that certain types of passion flowers might be useful for relieving stomach problems such as ulcers. However, more research is needed to determine if passion flowers can have related benefits.
3. Controls Pain and Reduces Inflammation
Passion Flower is known to have a look at pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. While both the leaf extract and the ethanol extract have pain reduction and anti-inflammatory effects. As per studies, passion fruit flower is recommended for neuralgia-type pain.
4. Balances the Symptoms of Spasmodic Asthma
Passion flower helps in reducing the symptoms of spasmodic asthma. It can be because the nervine action and influence on GABA receptors from Passiflora are likely the mechanisms behind its soothing action on asthma symptoms. As per studies, there is a direct relationship between stress, anxiety, and asthma symptoms. It is like when stress and anxiety are mediated, asthma symptoms have been shown to decrease.
5. Promotes Sleep
Passion flower helps in getting sleep. Research recommends drinking passionflower tea an hour before bedtime regularly improves individual sleep quality. It is also mentioned that consuming products containing passion flowers, hops, and valerian for 2 to 3 weeks can improves sleep similar to meditation.
6. Support Hair Health
Passion flower can help in the growth of hair and also support in maintaining it healthy. This flower seed oil is said to help in moisturizing damaged hair. As the passion flower has an anti-inflammatory property that can help cure a dry, irritated scalp.
Oil from passion flowers
Passion flower is loaded with natural sources of omega-6 fatty acids. This curative substance can be helpful for an individual who has been shown to have less linolenic acid than normal skin types and helps to repair the barrier function of the skin. Passion flowers even contain vitamin A. That helps oily skin by normalizing oil production and slowing down the breakdown of collagen.
Side Effects Of Passion Flower
According to research consuming passion flowers in moderate amounts is safe for humans. But this flower can rarely have some side effects which are mentioned below:
- Drowsiness
- Vomiting
- Mental slowing
- Nausea
- Rapid heartbeat