Mangos are popular and delicious fruit. Its skin is usually removed and thrown away before eating. But do you know that some fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber and phytochemicals? If you are used to eating the peels of fruit such as pears and apples then you can eat mango peels as well as they provide the same type of benefits.
According to research mango skin is not considered dangerous to consume. It does contain a specific toxin which is rarely found called urushiol. This chemical is smiler which is also found in poison ivy. The chemical can cause inflammation and redness on the skin. However, the quantity of urushiol chemical in the mango skin is quite small. But if an individual is over-sensitive to this compound then it can cause inflammation and gastrointestinal discomfort.
The mango skin contains some active ingredients and antioxidants such as polyphenolic compounds and carotenoids. The second of the two is responsible for the color of mangoes. As these compounds even help to reduce oxidative stress and prevent chronic disease. As per studies mango skin even contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, and dietary fiber.
Benefits of Eating Mango Skin
1. Prevent cancer
The sweet mango skin fruit is high in triterpenes and triterpenoids. It even contains antioxidants such as mangiferin, norathyriol, and resveratrol. It can prevent or fight certain types of cancers. According to research, this compound is shown to have beneficial effects in anti-cancer and anti-diabetes.
2. Help in digestion
Mango skin is loaded with fiber. As per studies, it is important for digestive health and hunger regulation. However, fiber makes up 45-78% of the total weight of the mango skin.
3. Good for skin health
The vitamin E and C present in the peel of the mango makes it a good anti-tanning agent. An individual can reuse dry mango skin as a facial product. According to research the natural solution to dull skin and also helps in removing blemishes and dark spots.
4. Help with diabetes
It is found that consuming mango skin can support controlling blood sugar levels in the body. Smiler to the pulp of the fruit the skin is even quite good and beneficial for diabetic patients to consume.
How to eat the skin
- An individual can directly take a bite of the fruit with the skin. It can be monotonous and is not so pleasant to taste.
- Because of this one can blend the mango skin with a smoothie. One can also add its extracts to juices and other liquids.
- You can also clean and wash them, then coat them with spices and air fry them. They can also be added to chutneys and dips.
Side Effects of Eating Mango Skin
1. Unpleasant Texture and Taste
Mango fruit is sweet, soft, and pleasant to eat. But the texture and taste of mango skin might seem unappetizing. Mango skin is thick, difficult to chew, and slightly bitter in taste. One will not like the taste of the mango skin.
2. Can cause an allergic reaction
Mango skin has urushiol, which can promote an allergic response in some people. Especially those with sensitivities to poison ivy and other urushiol-heavy plants. Mango skin can cause an itchy rash and swelling of the skin.
3. Contain Pesticide Residue
Many vegetables and fruits are treated with pesticides to fight bacterial infection. It can damage crops. Removing the mango skin can decrease the consumption of these potentially harmful chemicals. While consuming the skin increases consumption.